Monday, June 30, 2014

Next, BTO?

Never had I expected for things to go so fast between me and E!

Alhamdulillah, we have managed to get a house at the place where we feel is the best location for the both of us. =)

It was something both of us didn't actually plan 'cos both of us actually just wanted to live over at E's place after marriage and once our finances are stable, then we would get a house. But the opportunity was too good not to be missed.

The location was the prime reason why I relented to actually apply. It will be at West Crest @ Bukit Batok, near Millennia Institute. I loved the location 'cos its near to both our parents' homes, still within walking distance of about 15 minutes to the nearest MRT station, very accessible to various amenities such as, polyclinic, mosque, food centres,expressways, gas station, etc!

When we applied, my parents weren't even aware about it as they had once tried talking to me about getting a house but I was adamant that I would not be buying a house anytime soon, so when I dropped the bomb that I had applied, my mum was happy (in her own weird way of being sarcastic to me... -_-). AHAHAH!

Me and E just had a short discussion about the house, like... What type of house do we NEED and whether our expenses is enough to pay for the house..

So, alhamdulillah, with whatever we had saved, and with guidance from E's brother and relatives and after I read through all that I need to know at HDB's website, we took the plunge.

It was a nerve-wrecking period of about a month to wait for the news, and yesterday we finally got it! =)

Now, comes the headache. To start saving for both house and wedding!

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